Reinstated in the 2016-17 school year after a long hiatus, Topeka West High School, Troupe #3061, is a proud member of the International Thespian Society.The International Thespian Society (ITS) is a national honor society that honors student achievement in the theatre arts.To be eligible for induction, a Topeka West High School student must earn ten Thespian points. Thespian points are awarded through involvement in theatre at Topeka West both on stage and backstage, and various other Thespian activities. Thespian points are recorded and maintained by Ms. MurphyWhen a student earns ten Thespian points they will receive an invitation for induction. There is a one-time, lifetime membership fee of $28 to be officially inducted into the International Thespian Society. If you have any questions, or would like further information about ITS or Thespian induction, contact Mrs. Murphy.
What is difference between our Thespian troupe and the theatre program?
The Thespian troupe and the school theatre program are not one and the same. The Thespian troupe is a subset of the theatre arts program. It is the student honor society, and membership is earned.
Any student may be a member of the theatre program, but only students who have been officially inducted and registered with the EdTA (Educational Theatre Association) home office are members of the theatre program and the International Thespian Society.
EdTA (International Thespian Society) is one of only 3 national honor socieites for high school students.

What Officers Do For our Troupe?
Troupe 3061 is one of the strongest Thespian troupes in Kansas. We have been named a Gold Troupe by Kansas Thespians every year since the troupe was reinstated in 2017.
We have been honored as the best high school theatre program in the country by being awarded the Outstanding School Award (2022) by the Educational Theatre Association. We also have the distinction of being the first and only school in Kansas the be named a "Premier School for Theatre Education" by the Educational Theatre Association (2023-2025). We have also been awarded the Outstanding Impact award twice by the Educational Theatre Association for our work in Theatre Advocacy in Kansas.
Our officers are filling the shoes of the giants who have served before them. Being an officer is about living up to the expectations set by the Thespian Officers before you.
We have a fabulous Thespian troupe at Topeka West. Our officers have the opportunity to shape some of next year. Officers make decisions for the troupe and help focus our work for the upcoming year.