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Honor Troupe Status

Troupes completing the necessary requirements and presenting their accomplishments at State Festival can qualify for Bronze, Silver, or Gold Status.




2020- Gold 

2019- Gold

2018- Gold

2017- Gold


State Honors

22024- 2nd Place- Lobby Displayy

2022- 1st Place- Theatre Quiz Bowl

2020- 3rd Place- Competitive Improv 

2019- 2nd Place- Speed Charades


National Thespy Qualifiers

The International Thespian Excellence Awards, or Thespys™ for short, recognize the highest level of achievement in school theatre performance and technical theatre.

This educational program (formerly called NIEs) gives Thespians the opportunity to receive constructive feedback on prepared theatrical material and technical designs. Students who achieve overall superior scores at their chapter and the top scores in their category at the International Thespian Festival will earn International Thespian Excellence Awards.


Superior Rating at Nationals

2024-Lilia Potter-Solo Musical Theatre

2024-Joey Westphal- Monologue

2023-Josie Hoggatt-Solo Musical Theatre* (Thespy Award Winner, Perfect Score)

2023-Jacey Dinkel- Monologue

2023-Kyler Scott- Monologue

2023-Phoebe Edgerton Kufahl- Stage Management

2020- Malissa Newcome- Solo Musical Theatre


National Qualifiers

2024-Colette Cluke-Solo Musical Theatre

2024- Shelby Saunders-Monologue

2024-Lilia Potter-Solo Musical Theatre

2024- Joey Westphal-Monologue

2024- Charlie White- Playwriting

2024-Phoebe Edgerton-Kufahl- Stage Management

2024-Grace Everett- Theatre Marketing


2023-Josie Hoggatt-Solo Musical Theatre

2023- Jacey Dinkel-Monologue

2023-Kyler Scott-Monologue

2023-Tristen Taylor and Charlie White- Duet Acting 

2023-Phoebe Edgerton-Kufahl- Stage Management


2022- Katelyn Arnold-Monologue 

2022- Jacey Dinkel-Monologue 

2022- Josie Hoggatt- Solo Musical Theatre


2020- Malissa Newcome- Solo Musical Theatre

2020- Hugo Gonzalez-Monologue 


2019 - Kaya Beitz - Solo Musical Theater

2019 - Maria Rupp - Monologue 



International Honor Thespian

The following individuals gained National Honor Thespian status for earning over 180 total points representing over 1800 hours of exceptional work in theatre. 

2024- Charles White, Hannah Allen 


National Honor Thespian

The following individuals gained National Honor Thespian status for earning over 120 total points representing over 1200 hours of exceptional work in theatre.

20242024-Hannah Allen, Phoebe Edgerton-Kufahl, Lilia Potter, Brenna Rutschmann

2023-Jacey Dinkel, Charlie White, Josie Hoggatt, Tristan Taylor, Kyler Scott

2022-Katelyn Arnold, Rachel Gaul, Kiya Lohman

2020- Kaya Beitz, Hugo Gonzalez, Malissa Newcome, Bethany Sparks

2019- Braden Chaffin, Jared Schooler

2018- Taylor Wingert-Ashlock

2017- Skyler Lindquist  


Honor Thespian

The following individuals gained Honor Thespian status for earning over 60 total points representing over 600 hours of exceptional work in theatre.

2024- Zach Buffington, Brady Clark, Charlotte Claspill, Colette Cluke, Grace Everett, Spencer Hamelin, Ann Jabary, Jayden Monson, Jaden Patterson, Hailey Phillips, Shelby Saunders, Dason Tidwell, Ali Vanderpool,  Joey Westphal

2023-Aiyana Jones, Bethany Hockenbarger, Charlie White, Hannah Allen, Josie Hoggatt, Keigan Gonzales, Kyler Scott, Brenna Rutschmann, Phoebe Edgerton Kufahl, Camille Cluke 

2022-Hannah Allen, Jacey Dinkel, Tristen Taylor, Kade Hall, Emma Brading, Alora Johnson, Maeve Murphy, Lauren Province, Eleanor Smith, Gavin Tinajero, Patience Wagner, Blake Worthington

2021- Katelyn Arnold, Kaitlyn Bartlett, Kate Herrera, Kiya Lohman 

2020-Dani Carter, Alexys Carreno, Hannah Gaul, Lindy Karrer, Zoey Nichols, Dylan Soza

2019- Kevin Coffman, Malissa Newcome, Maria Rupp, Erin Watts, Kaya Beitz

2018 - Liz Freeman

2017 - Breana Tiffany, Taylor Wingert-Ashlock

2016 - Skyler Lindquist



The following individuals gained Thespian status for earning over 10 points representing 100 hours of exceptional work in theatre.




2022- Cha Mya Britt, Brady Clark, Charlotte Claspill, Camille Cluke, Collette Cluke, Svenja Corinth, Daniel Corona Maciel, Aspen Crayton, Phoebe Edgerton-Kufahl, Grace Everett, Keigan Gonzales, Jasper Hendrix, Anastasia Jabary, Jayden Monson, Hailey Phillips, Brenna Rutschmann, Kyler Scott, Leah Smith, Jaiden Wen, Jicory Wilson


2021- Dany Boldra, Alora Johnson, Sean Alen Little, Erik Weither-Preyer,  Charlie White


2020-Emma Brading, Jacey Dinkel, Rachel Gaul, Kade Haul, Rowan Halloran, Kate Herrera, Bethany Hockenbarger, Josie Hoggatt, Aiyana Jones, Ella Karrer, 

Maeve Murphy, Ashley Ortiz-Vizueth, Oliver Pope, Lauren Province,  Austin Rice,  Eleanor Smith, Harley Sowers,

Bemjamin Steinkuehler,  Tristen Taylor, 

Gavin Tinajero, Lorena Venegas-Flores, 

Patience Wagner, 

Blake Worthington.


2019- Katelyn Arnold, 

2018 - Deven Baumchen, Alexys Carreno, Dani Carter, Hugo Gonzalez, Maria Rupp, Dylan Soza, Bethany Sparks, Jonathon Waggle, Erin Watts, Elizabeth Winkelman

2017 - Kaya Beitz, Kevin Coffman, Kaylee Dinwiddie, Gabriella Dominguez, Malissa Newcome, Maria Rupp, Jared Schooler, Taylor Wingert-Ashlock

2016 - Quinn American Horse, Korie Ann Ashburn, Braden Chaffin, Rachael Damerval, Emily Ellis, Kaylee Free, Liz Freeman, Skyler Lindquist, Claire Perry, Becca Stottlemire, Breana Tiffany, Zoe Tippets



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